Ontario Court of Appeal Affirms Employer’s Duty to Provide Honest Reasons for Dismissal

In Krmpotic v. Thunder Bay Electronics Limited, 2024 ONCA 332, the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld a Superior Court of Justice decision confirming that the duty of honest performance applies to employment contracts and encompasses the employer’s duty to exercise good faith upon terminating an employee. Background The respondent, Drago Krmpotic, was employed full time as the building maintenance supervisor until his employment was terminated without notice or cause. Mr. Krmpotic worked full time for the appellant for almost 30 years. At that time, Mr. Krmpotic had been on medical leave to recover from back surgery and had returned to ... [more] Full article
B.C. Court of Appeal confirms that secretly recording conversations with Co-workers can be just cause for dismissal
In Shalagin v. Mercer Celgar Limited Partnership, 2023 BCCA 373 (CanLII), the British Columbia Court of Appeal affirmed the lower court’s decision that the employee’s surreptitious recordings of his colleagues constituted ... [more] Full article
The Ontario Court of Appeal Confirms: Independent Contractors Have a Duty to Mitigate
In a brief new decision, Monterosso (cob Trust Leasing Canada) v Metro Freightliner Hamilton Inc, 2023 ONCA 413, the Ontario Court of Appeal has clarified the scope of the duty ... [more] Full article
Sexual harassment and failure to accept employer’s disciplinary measures is cause for termination
An employer has just cause to terminate an employee for inappropriate, sexually harassing comments and refusing to apologize, the Ontario Court of Appeal recently held. Employers should be particularly interested ... [more] Full article
- Employee not entitled to wrongful dismissal damages for share bonus (dividend) during notice period, Court of Appeal affirms
- Court of Appeal to revisit employee’s right to wrongful dismissal damages regarding shareholdings
- Employee suspension ruled constructive dismissal: Supreme Court
- Court Reduces Notice Period, Employee Should Have Known Better