The Litigator
The Litigator
AGM :: Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
365 Bay Street, Suite 200  ·  Toronto, Canada
416 360 2800  ·  ·

price fixing


Superior Court Certifies $1.0 Billion Foreign Exchange Price Fixing Class Action

In his decision released earlier this Spring, Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Perell certified a class action in Mancinelli v. Royal Bank of Canada claiming $1.0 Billion in damages against ... [more] Full article

Class action business as usual after SCC decisions

It’s business as usual for class actions after Canada’s Supreme Court issued a trilogy of decisions holding that so-called indirect purchasers can sue for damages caused by price fixing, and ... [more] Full article

Discoverability does not apply to competition claims

The Federal Court has recently ruled that the discoverability rule does not apply to extend the limitation period applicable to private actions launched to recover damages caused by breaches of the Competition Act. [more] Full article

Canadian Plaintiffs Acheive a Breakthrough in Certifying Price Fixing Class Actions

Courts in two Canadian cases have recently made it easier to certify direct and indirect-purchaser class actions seeking damages for alleged price fixing. Formerly, the difficulty of proving damages suffered ... [more] Full article